Documents for the SRA 'Data management and visualisation with R' online course, 22 November 2024
Course led by Alexandru Cernat
Instructions for participants:
- Install the latest version of R from here:
- Install the latest version of RStudio from here:
- Install “tidyverse” package in R:
- Option 1: open Rstudio. Go to “Tools” -> “Install Packages”. Write the names of the package in the “Packages” box and press install
- Option 2: open Rstudio. In the console write: “install.packages(“tidyverse”, dep = T)” and press enter.
- If you have issues with this step uninstall and install again R.
- Download the ESS data from the link you received from SRA
Course Materials:
Please note: course materials will be available for a period of 30 days after the course, after which they will be deleted. If you wish to download a copy of the documents, please do so during this time.
These documents are contained in a password protected zip file. Download the file to your computer, double-click on the downloaded file, or right-click and select 'open'. Click on 'extract all' and choose the location for the extracted files. Click 'extract' and you will be prompted to enter the password supplied in your email from the SRA. Enter password and click 'OK'.
If you need assistance, please contact:
Data Management and Visualisation with R course files (zip file)
Course files list
Data management and visualisation with R course slides - set 1 (Alexandru Cernat)
Data management and visualisation with R course slides - set 2 (Alexandru Cernat)
Data management and visualisation with R course practical (Alexandru Cernat)
Data management and visualisation with R course practical with solution (Alexandru Cernat)
Data management and visualisation with R course programme (Alexandru Cernat)
Data management and visualisation with R course further reading (Alexandru Cernat)
intr_R_1d_solution.R (R file)
ESSMD-2018-cntry_F1.dta (data file)
Link to course dataset (opens in a new Dropbox window - 43Mb download)
If you're new to Zoom:
Joining Instructions for SRA online courses
Tips for improving your computer’s broadband connection
n.b. All documents are in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. Acrobat Reader can be downloaded here
If you experience any problems accessing the above documents, or the Zoom links below, please contact Patricia Cornell by email:
Zoom Details:
To attend the course:
Topic: Data management and visualisation with R course
Time: November 22, 2024 - 10.00 AM, Online.
The course starts at 10:00, ends at 17:00 and lunch break is between 13:00 and 14:00.
Join Zoom Meeting by:
Course ID: 972 7473 4368
Password: 231500