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Introduction to R for social researchers online course, 17 January 2025-AC4502

Documents for the SRA 'Introduction to R for social researchers' online course, 17 January 2025

Course led by Alexandru Cernat

Instructions for participants:

  1. Install the latest version of R from here: *
  2. Install the latest version of RStudio from here: *
  3. Open Rstudio to make sure it works.

Link to data:  (csv file, 48Mb) *

* this file needs to be downloaded from an external source (Dropbox) - please check that you can access it before the course

The start time will be 09:30. We will have lunch from 12:30 to 13:30 and aim to end the course at 16:30.

The course will be divided in two sessions each with: a lecture, a hands on practical and a discussion of the solution together.

Timing of sessions will depend on the interactions during class and how fast the practicals will be completed.

During the practical participants and work in their own pace and take breaks as needed.


Course Materials:

Please note: course materials will be available for a period of 30 days after the course, after which they will be deleted. If you wish to download a copy of the documents, please do so during this time.

These documents are contained in a password protected zip file. Download the file to your computer, double-click on the downloaded file, or right-click and select 'open'. Click on 'extract all' and choose the location for the extracted files. Click 'extract' and you will be prompted to enter the password supplied in your email from the SRA. Enter password and click 'OK'.

If you need assistance, please contact:

Introduction to R for social researchers course files (zip file) zip flie


Course files list:

Introduction to R for social researchers course slides (Alexandru Cernat)
Introduction to R for social researchers course practical (Alexandru Cernat)
Introduction to R for social researchers course practical with solution (Alexandru Cernat)
Introduction to R for social researchers course schedule (Alexandru Cernat)
Further reading (Alexandru Cernat)
basic_r_solution (R file)
csv data file (see above)
Zoom details for course (SRA)


If you're new to Zoom:

Joining Instructions for SRA online courses

Tips for improving your computer’s broadband connection

n.b. All documents are in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. Acrobat Reader can be downloaded here

If you experience any problems accessing the above documents, or the Zoom links below, please contact Patricia Cornell by email:


Zoom Details:

N.B. Zoom details are now contained in the course documents zip file