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Designing qualitative research online course, 31 January 2023

Documents for the SRA 'Designing qualitative research' online course, 31 January 2023

Course led by Dr Karen Lumsden

Note to participants:

Please read these notes before the training.

The course pack prepared for you includes all the material you need for the course. There is no preparation required ahead of the course, however participants can look over the handouts for the breakout activities before the course if they wish.

As this is an interactive course I would be grateful if you could check that your camera and microphone are working ahead of time so that you will be able to fully participate in discussions and group activities in the breakout rooms.

There are two interactive breakout activities in this course. If you have any questions
about these activities please do let me know.

Thank you. I look forward to meeting you on the course.


Course Materials:

Designing qualitative research course handbook (Dr Karen Lumsden)
Designing qualitative research course timetable and reading list (Dr Karen Lumsden)
Breakout 2 - Having a baby (Carol Thomas and Penny Curtis)
Breakout 2 - Qualitative Research Proposal Proforma (Virginia Braun & Victoria Clarke)


If you're new to Zoom:

Joining Instructions for SRA online courses

Tips for improving your computer’s broadband connection

n.b. All documents are in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. Acrobat Reader can be downloaded here

If you experience any problems accessing the above documents, or the Zoom links below, please contact Lindsay Adams by email:


Zoom Details:

To attend the course:

Topic: Designing qualitative research course

Time: January 31, 2023 - 10:00 AM, Online.

Meeting ID: 875 5070 5379

Password: 714965