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Reasons for not renewing SRA membership
Please help us to improve by answering a few questions:
Reasons for not renewing SRA membership
Did you use any of these membership benefits in the last year?
Please tick all that apply
Attended a discounted training course
Attended a discounted SRA conference/event
Attended a free event / seminar
Do any of these reasons for not renewing apply to you?
Please tick all that apply
My employer won't pay for membership
I no longer work in a relevant area
I didn't find membership useful
It's too expensive
I don't need to attend a training course
I don't need to attend a future event
The SRA publications aren't useful to me
What could the SRA do to be more useful to you?
Your name (optional)
Please enter any two digits
Example: 12
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Many thanks
The Social Research Association